Our Services


NMG works nationwide, with a centralised structure allowing direct control of the entire portfolio situation, calling on selected external professionals working in specialist areas to make up a network right across the country.

One of NMG’s hallmark features is our ability to customise services according to the needs of each individual client thanks to the know-how and experience we have built up with our clients.
Customisation takes place within a framework based on a standard set of procedures, essentially working in the same way as a claims adjuster bureau.
NMG receives claims from agencies or brokers, inserts them into its own IT system, allocates the relevant reserves, notifies the insurance company that a claim has been made, and proceeds to handle and settle it.
NMG’s computer system now bypasses the need for a call centre, exploiting the possibilities offered by the Internet so clients can access the claims archive directly.
In this way, clients can easily check the progress of their claims online.
There are two ways to access the claims archive: one for the client company and the other for individual policy holders. In addition to being able to regularly download the claims archive, clients can use an access profile to filter information based on territorial criteria (at national, regional, or provincial levels), while the individual policy holder can, as we have seen, check the state of their claim directly. Using our advanced optical system that archives incoming and outgoing documentation means the information is directly available in real time, showing all the documentation associated with each claim.


The recent publication of the implementing decrees of the Gelli/Bianco Law has outlined a new regulatory scenario for the activity of healthcare institutions, significantly impacting not only the operational strategies of healthcare facilities but also the study and understanding of the risks they must face daily.

NMG assists the facility in best addressing the obligations arising from the implementation of the new regulations and has structured a specific analysis called 'MEDMAL ANALYSIS' dedicated to healthcare and/or hospital structures. It consists of an intensive activity of knowledge and measurement of all business risks, addressed through modern risk knowledge and risk assessment techniques. This analysis provides precise operational indications to corporate governance, which becomes an active part of the analysis itself.

This consultancy involves synchronous and historical analysis of all pending and past claims, conducting simulations on both the operational origin and the related economic impact. In particular, this activity entails a careful historical review of medmal claims and allows for a comprehensive overview of the facts regarding medmal matters, with the aim of providing operational insights and indications that align business processes and risk management with the provisions of the Gelli-Bianco Law.

Thanks to this service, NMG is the ideal partner for every healthcare facility, whether public or private, intending to undergo a review or consolidation of its risk management procedures, supporting corporate governance in complying with the new legislative framework and overseeing all activities to promote economically sustainable and operationally efficient management.

Claims management and settlement of damages

An innovative offer tailored to every need!

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